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Associated Users Privacy Notice 

Stanbridge Associates 

Updated 25 May 2018

SAL collects and processes personal data belonging associated users - this group does not include our clients, employees or students. It consists of, for example, associated persons of clients such as family members, business partners, fellow directors or business owners, partners in learning, and professional development training. 

What Personal Data Do We Collect? 

In order to provide a variety of services to associates of our clients we may collect the following personal data: 


  • Title.

  • Name.

  • Email address.

  • Postal address.

  • Phone number.

  • Tax reference and National Insurance number

  • Date of birth

  • Passport and/or driving licence details

  • High risk personal data

  • Bank account details (where required)

Why Do We Collect Your Personal Data?


SAL will collect your personal data when needed for a contract you may wish to enter into. This includes but is not limited to:


As part of your business dealings with our clients


When you provide your consent for us to use your data to contact you, such as sending emails to keep you updated on the latest changes in a specialist area or for further information. 

Who Will Have Access To Your Personal Data?

Depending on the nature of our engagement with associates we may share your data with in order to deliver our services.  We will never sell your data nor pass it on without your authority to do so unless required by legal or ethical obligation.


We may share your personal data with third party processors who provide services to the organisation these include:


  • Other professional advisors where we hold authority to do so.

  • Your associates where we have permission to do so.

  • Regulatory and Government bodies as required to fulfil our engagement and legal responsibilities.

Third Countries

Your Personal Data may be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) . Where data is transferred outside of the EEA, it is done on the basis of appropriate safeguards, for example binding corporate rules, EU model clauses or a declaration of adequacy.

What Happens If You Do Not Supply Your Personal Data? 

If you do not supply your personal data SAL may be unable to provide the services required for the associated client.

How Long Do We Hold Your Personal Data?

SAL will retain data for as long as it is needed for the relevant purpose. Specific records may also be retained for other legitimate reasons for example to resolve complaints and disputes, and to comply with other legal obligations.

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